Below is a set of links to the code generators. The website is updated completely with new paintings every week or two. But as the paintings are photographed, catalogued and added to the database they are visible when viewing the code generator before being added to the site. The below set of links are to the databases in progress. Many titles, thumbnails of images etc. are missing but it will allow you to see the most recent works completed. |
Notes: One of my (recent)goals was to scan in all of my sketchbooks going all the way back to childhood. I have about 60-80 sketchbooks, below are some that I have began uploading, these are raw, they were done without the intention of ever being viewed. You can see the reverse writing, replacement alphabet etc. etc. - so that if they were found it would be difficult to read. The other aspect is that I drew everything! Many subjects were other works of art, illustrations, photographs taken by other artists etc. Although a good amount are painted/drawn from life, there are many images done after the work of another artist. |
S Series: key: 4012 = 40-12 = sketchbook No. 40, page No. 12 |
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